
We left San Diego early and drove to Colorado, in order to get out of a potential sick house. And the rest of the trip was mostly great. The vaccine was the difference between inconvenience and disaster. So the vacation started terrible, but honestly, it could've been so much worse. But anyway, we were all exposed in maskless situations inside the house (and cars), for sure, so we all had several days of waiting before we could get reliably tested, but good news again-all the other twelve people in the vacation house came back negative (all vaccinated, of course). Good news: since the COVID-positive person was vaccinated, she got better *fast*-one day she was in bed all day, the next, she was up and surprisingly chipper and ready to drive herself half the length of California, back to her own home and bed. honestly, the vaccine can do a lot, but apparently it's only so effective against Tennessee (as of today, only 39.8% of the population fully vaccinated, compared to 58.1% in New York and 64.6% in Massachusetts, way to go, folks!).


She was vaccinated, but she had also been in Tennessee :( so. It started with a positive COVID test for one of the thirteen people staying in our San Diego vacation home, so that was terrible, obviously. The vacation was wonderful and terrible in equal measure.

puzzaz puzzaz

it's 5 in the morning and I'm still on western time and I haven't written a sentence on a standard-sized keyboard in almost two weeks, so today's write-up might be a little bumpy). Families vacation, actually, as I spent the first part with my dad and that side of the family in San Diego, and the latter part in Colorado with my mom and sister (my sister was also in San Diego.
